An extra active character

All the code disccussed sofar is necessary because we need an extra active character. This character is then used as indicated in table [*]. One of the reasons for this is that in the Dutch language a word with an umlaut can be hyphenated just before the letter with the umlaut, but the umlaut has to disappear if the word is broken between the previous letter and the accented letter.

Table: The extra definitions made by dutch.sty
"a \"a which hyphenates as -a; also implemented for the other letters.
"| disable ligature at this position.
"- an explicit hyphen sign, allowing hyphenation in the rest of the word.
"` lowered double left quotes (see example below).
"' normal double right quotes.
\- like the old \-, but allowing hyphenation in the rest of the word.

In [3] the quoting conventions for the Dutch language are discussed. The preferred convention is the single-quote Anglo-American convention, i.e. `This is a quote'. An alternative is the slightly old-fashioned Dutch method with initial double quotes lowered to the baseline, @=, @=''@=@ @-@ @=@@@=@ @=@ @This is a quote'', which should be typed as "`This is a quote"'.
